************Arduino and nRF24L01 Low Power Example Sketch*************
#include <SPI.h> //Call SPI library so you can communicate with the nRF24L01+
#include <nRF24L01.h> //nRF2401 libarary found at https://github.com/tmrh20/RF24/
#include <RF24.h> //nRF2401 libarary found at https://github.com/tmrh20/RF24/
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
/*WDT BYTE variables for setting timer value
const int pinCE = 9; //This pin is used to set the nRF24 to standby (0) or active mode (1)
const int pinCSN = 10; //This pin is used to tell the nRF24 whether the SPI communication is a command or message to send out
RF24 wirelessSPI(pinCE, pinCSN); // Create your nRF24 object or wireless SPI connection
const uint64_t wAddress = 0xB00B1E50D2LL; // Pipe to write or transmit on
const uint64_t rAddress = 0xB00B1E50B1LL; //pipe to recive data on
void setup() {
randomSeed(analogRead(0)); //create unique seed value for random number generation
wirelessSPI.begin(); //Start the nRF24 module
wirelessSPI.openWritingPipe(wAddress); //open writing or transmit pipe
wirelessSPI.openReadingPipe(1,rAddress); //open reading or recieve pipe
wirelessSPI.stopListening(); //go into transmit mode
void loop() {
byte randNumber = (byte)random(11); //generate random guess between 0 and 10
if (!wirelessSPI.write(&randNumber, 1)){ //if the write fails
// delivery failed
delay(30); //delay for short time in normal mode
wirelessSPI.powerDown(); //put nRF24L01 into power down mode
delayWDT(WDTO_30MS); // Use WDT sleep delay function, argument is byte variable from WDT Library
wirelessSPI.powerUp(); //power up the nRF24
//This function serves as a power saving delay function. The argument is a Byte type variable that is used to set the delay time
//The function sets up sleep mode in power down state. The function then sets up the WDT timer in interrupt mode and sets it.
//It then puts the Arduino to sleep for the set time. Upon wake up the WDT and sleep mode are shut off
void delayWDT(byte timer) {
sleep_enable(); //enable the sleep capability
set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); //set the type of sleep mode. Default is Idle
ADCSRA &= ~(1<<ADEN); //Turn off ADC before going to sleep (set ADEN bit to 0)
WDTCSR |= 0b00011000; //Set the WDE bit and then clear it when set the prescaler, WDCE bit must be set if changing WDE bit
WDTCSR = 0b01000000 | timer; //Or timer prescaler byte value with interrupt selectrion bit set
wdt_reset(); //Reset the WDT
sleep_cpu(); //enter sleep mode. Next code that will be executed is the ISR when interrupt wakes Arduino from sleep
sleep_disable(); //disable sleep mode
ADCSRA |= (1<<ADEN); //Turn the ADC back on
//This is the interrupt service routine for the WDT. It is called when the WDT times out.
//This ISR must be in your Arduino sketch or else the WDT will not work correctly
ISR (WDT_vect)
MCUSR = 0; //Clear WDT flag since it is disabled, this is optional
} // end of WDT_vect
Could you share the schematic of the circuit?
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to learn to write code for the Arduino and I'm especially interested in low power applications. Pardon my ignorance, but does this code put both the Arduino and the nrf24l01 int0 sleep mode?