//**************************Atmel Studio Code****************************
* ATmega168PB Example.c
* Created: 11/21/2015 4:59:24 PM
* Author : ForceTronics
#define F_CPU 16000000UL //Set the clock frequency
#include <avr/io.h> //call IO library
#include <util/delay.h> //call delay library
int main(void)
DDRB |= (1<<DDB5); //Set Port B 5 or PB5 or PCINT5 or pin 17 to output (1 is output and 0 is input)
PORTB |= (1<<PORTB5); //Set PB5 to 1 which is high (LED on)
_delay_ms(1000); //Delay for 1000ms or 1 sec
PORTB &= ~(1<<PORTB5); //Set PB5 to 0 which is low (LED off)
_delay_ms(1000); //Delay for 1000ms or 1 sec
PINB |= (1<<PINB5);
_delay_ms(1000); //Delay for 1000ms or 1 sec